Friday, June 27, 2008

Just a Note...

The videos below were posted in order but, as you know, that makes them run from bottom to top..

This is because the last video posted was the last video made but it takes place on the blog from the other side and kind of upside to down side and..

Oh, the hell with it...

Start at number 1...

OH wait..

only one of them is numbered.. and I can't change them at all because of the you tube connection....

Start at the bottom and work your way up !

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Russell... Finished work...

I've seen these just fall and break... gone forever..

Russell at Work Part 2

further along... with his wife's help...

Moonshine glass demo Russell

From Last Trip...

I promised that I would show video of Russell at work (my moonshine glass friend)

Here are, in one form or another, three videos from the making of one incredible piece of glass..

Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin at the Tonight Show (1966)

As much for Johnny's reaction as for a very funny yet buttoned down George..

I feel old tonight...

Driving in the Snow...

My grandfather.... NOT driving in the snow.

Wyatt made me think with her comment. I answered about video taping while driving, but not driving while it snows.

Snow, in L.A... remember?

Driving in the snow 101.

Oh.... look..... it's ... snowing...

First, if you haven't done it and don't have the equipment for it...


That being said, if you MUST, there are several things you should know. (remember, I come from a state where it snows like, once a year unless you live in the mountains. I obtained this information from LOTS of reading and some experience...

Remember, these rules are if you don't have any of the right equipment...

1. Slow down. Not quickly, but gradually. Maintain a steady slow pace and don't let anyone make you change...

2. Don't stop or accelerate unless you ABSOLUTELY MUST.. either one will cost you traction.


let me repeat that


I learned this one through reading signs while traveling across country, and it came in soooo handy in the giant redwood trees when I awoke to incredibly beautiful snow. As I was making my way to the coast (where I knew it would not be snowing), I saw cars off the road in several places. There was one on the long bridge before Eureka, and the only time I was in trouble was when the police car backed up FULL SPEED from the wreck. He spun several times and I drove through one of those circles (or really close to it). He didn't know that BRIDGES FREEZE FIRST...

4. This also works for hurricanes, but I don't recommend it for everyone, as it is sort of ballsy and stupid. If you can get in tracks of a big rig, stick close to it. They (at least they used to be) are better drivers, by and large... This is probably not as good an idea as it was before cell phones, but back then I had a radio so I could keep in touch...Oh.. and watch for the draft!

Keep your eyes OPEN OPEN OPEN!

OH WAIT!... HERE COMES THE FED EX TRUCK!! Quick... catch up!

Class dismissed (grin).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yet Another...

What I Want Right Now! (see next post for explanation)

It's Too Damned Hot!!

I am so glad, in spite of the fact that we have totally messed up the weather on this poor blue planet, that it isn't going to affect us for several hundred years...



I feel so for those people affected by the Mississippi River. Such devastation, even if it IS HER JOB (ahem).

I saw a documentary about that massive river in.. oh... the mid 80's on my little TV in a campground in the south somewhere. It foretold Katrina, and many of the events that are happening even as we speak. We built our cities near the water sources when we had no other choice and have been paying the price periodically. Apparently the river WANTS NEW ORLEANS BACK. She made the land on which it stands (below water level), and has been removing the protective wetlands and anything else that would save the city.

She wants it...

She will have it...

She's very strong, very determined, and verrrry patient.

She is, however, making some more unstable land that can be used (but shouldn't be) to make a new city...

I mention all of this because it's SO DAMNED HOT HERE!


I was picking on my sister because she took a vacation to Sedona, which is a very warm place...

and today it was 117 degrees in Palm Springs, and well over a hundred all over this area..


I'm putting up my video from last September. It was taken in Oregon on the 28th, as I crossed between La Grande and Pendleton. I only heard about it as I stopped in La Grande to stock up at the WAL MART. I was planning on camping up on that road, but somehow it seemed a bit, well, stupid...

I would love some of that snow right now...

Saturday, June 07, 2008


I've always been a "THAT'S NOT THE WAY IT HAPPENED!" kind of gal... doesn't garner a lot of friends, and it pisses off those who know and love me..


The bad news is, it gets worse as I age ( WARNING!!).

In that vein, we were talking about movies and such this morning when the badges quote appeared, quite suddenly, in the conversation (oh look! a chicken!). That set me to thinking about how it is one of my all time favorite movie quotes, and one of the MOST OFTEN MISQUOTED...

So I've included the clip, my first post from youtube! (I don't need no stinking instructions!)


Many years ago, I had a friend (don't laugh.. it's possible) who had a neat, off road vehicle. On the back bumper he painted "Roads? We don't need no Stinking Roads!".

The only two pictures I ever saw of it were the following..

one: stuck in the snow

two: upside down in Mexico..

maybe a stinking badge would have helped!

Stinking Badges

Friday, June 06, 2008

The One Where I Tell Mom She Looks Great in the Hat...

It's not so much that I lied... it's just that Mom hasn't been a hat person in years.

She wears the glasses (as do I, when I drive), but sometimes the light at Scotty's is just too bright all over. I got the hat in hopes that she would wear it, but wasn't betting the house on the outcome. It's very light, and I just kind of dropped it on her head. I had everyone at Scotty's tell her how cute it looked, and reminded her that it's difficult to shade her eyes with her one good hand and eat at the same time!

It worked.... at least this time .. doesn't she look happy about it? (grin)

Oh.. and I got another crown the other day. I told Craig (the crown ARTISTE) that I wanted that symbol of all things... well... You know the symbol.. I told him he could even do a stick figure version, but he was reticent (he's a really nice guy and not at all profane, which means I make him giggle easily). I told him to do what his conscience would allow.

He did this incredible M.. in GOLD. I don't know how he did it, but it's so striking. Usually he is limited to the colors he has to tint crowns to match teeth, which are very limited, and often light. I now have two little yellow happy faces (so tiny and so cute!), a shamrock, a pink heart, my little piggy, the little flowers, and now this marvelous Miz M!

It's blurry and upside down, but it looked really strange when I flipped the image... go figure