Tuesday, January 10, 2006

That's MR Roadkill to you...

Before we leave Calamity for a while, I want to introduce roadkill. This is a picture of C.J.'s new bed. She, like any kitty, LOVES anything new on which to sit, sleep, curl up or spread out. Calamity has taken this fetish to a new level, however, by including Roadkill.

Roadkill is a small toy I gave the kitties years ago. I think it was Elisha's favorite, which may explain why C.J. feels compelled to include it in all of her wanderings. It looks like a spotted hamster that has lost a fight with a large truck. It's intended to be stuffed with catnip, but neither kitty much cared for the stuff.

Instead, Calamity has chosen to include Roadkill in everything she does, particularly when I am not at home. I can only think it gives her comfort. Here's the drill: I have NEVER SEEN HER CARRYING ROADKILL. ever. He just appears in various places that she loves to spend time. I will come in and see Roadkill on the bathroom rug. I will find Roadkill on my bed. He appears in all of her sleeping places. I repeat in case you missed it, I have never seen her carrying Roadkill from place to place. ever...

She shows him all her new stuff. When I got the bed (picture above), she curled up in it and seemed quite pleased. I came back home later in the day to find Roadkill, right in the middle of the bed. I moved the bed to my bed, and Roadkill appeared next to it... If I put a towel on the floor, Roadkill will be there sometime in the next couple of hours, but only if I leave the house. I can see her running, as soon as I leave, and grabbing RK and dragging him in and saying,"Look! a new place! What do you think of THIS one? Doesn't it look soft? Quick, let's try it out".... for he's always in the new things within hours, happy (I think) to have been chosen to share this honor...

The only thing she hasn't shared with Roadkill is her morning cup of water.

C.J. loves baths. Not hers, of course, but mine. She wants to drink the warm water, which I discourage (ewww), and dip body parts (mostly a tail and her right front paw). So I thought maybe it was just the warm water she wanted, not the entire bathing experience. Now, every morning, she gets up on the sink beside me while I wash my face and she gets a cup of very warm water. She runs to the bathroom the minute I get out of bed, crying demandingly. I figure it's her morning cup of coffee... minus the caffeine... and the cream... and sweetner... and the actual coffee...

Roadkill has his own buddy, of course. He prefers a small knot with frayed ends that used to be C.J.'s favorite toy. Sometimes, if I've been gone all day, BOTH toys will appear, as if Calamity needs the extra comfort...

I hope she gets it, she's earned it....
Roadkill and a friend....


At 1:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every pet needs a Roadkill. You need to set up a hidden camera. I'm halfway inclined to believe that Roadkill makes it over to CJ's places all by hisself.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger mizmarilyn said...

You might be right... C.J. had her 'coffee' and breakfast and then she climbs under the comforter on my bed when I go out to breakfast... I came back and she's still there, but Roadkill is on the rug on the bathroom floor... hmm... maybe Roadkill needs a cup of warm water too??


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